Zero - Mint Mobile
Ай бұрын
Taco Giving Tuesday
3 ай бұрын
Frosty Gin is So Hot
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3 ай бұрын
Mint Kids
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Junket Crashers | It Ends With Us
Hugh's Acting Masterclass
7 ай бұрын
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1 Second Of Fame in Wrexham
7 ай бұрын
Deadpool & Wolverine | Old Bubs
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9 ай бұрын
@AdrianGomez-s4j 18 минут бұрын
Okay please just leave him alone man He has a personal life And he’s just defending his wife man Like leave him alone
@isskee Сағат бұрын
idc what anyone says, I love Ryan Reynolds lol.
@LeeP-lr5ym 2 сағат бұрын
Bandwagon jumpers rarely see the entire story before deciding who is getting their voice heard and who is not, who is guilty and who is made to look guilty. Isn't it better to wait before jumping ship and abandoning someone who has given so much joy to the world, on screen and off.
@kellye4573 2 сағат бұрын
This is gross 🤢🤮🤢🤮
@dmxdxl 3 сағат бұрын
Disney gonna say BYE BYE BYE to Ryan once all this smoke dissipates....
@mazhansen8804 3 сағат бұрын
Both filthy
@mazhansen8804 3 сағат бұрын
Your just not funny or worth watching anymore🦨🦨🦨
@32carrotz 3 сағат бұрын
This feels like a superbowl ad ngl
@32carrotz 3 сағат бұрын
Haha I love this short
@gillian4856 6 сағат бұрын
Omg what have you done 🤦‍♀️ your comment about Olivia was that SH or SA not sure but your wife with her view of SH I am more than sure yours would be viewed as SA 🤷‍♀️ what do you think? Remember your words nobody else’s guess you may be the one 😂 dominoes I am thinking your nicepool was a very bad decision by you, Hugh Jackman where is he ? Is he a 🐍 like you ? Go mint mobile 🤬
@lesxvanillaa 8 сағат бұрын
He kinda smash tho
@earthangelpuppy 8 сағат бұрын
@scottatkinson5853 10 сағат бұрын
Your wife is some piece of work. She has ruined everything you have built in the snap of a finger. Ego’s killing Hollywood actors one over privileged actor at a time.
@CatberryEditz 12 сағат бұрын
Why was that "beh" so cuteee!❤
@wwiflyingace6422 12 сағат бұрын
I recently saw a boot or shoe add with Hugh Jackman sitting in a comfy chair, naked, except for the boots, making the gentleman on the other side of the desk VERY uncomfortable, lol. No, you never actually saw anything, but the implication was very intentional, lol. I agree with the person who said if Ryan Reynolds narrated all commercials, KZbin would need no Skip feature, lol!!!!!
@godoy_vasconcellosinstagra5808 12 сағат бұрын
Ryan Reynolds is bad actir and dialogues are,terrible
@NewName725 13 сағат бұрын
Ryan, your b.s. propaganda doesn't work anymore.
@micaelmcdonald9980 16 сағат бұрын
Sure Malignant narcissism 😅 There you go
@chelaschaefer 17 сағат бұрын
This is the kind of self-aware advertising that actually builds brand loyalty. I'm genuinely curious to see what the community creates with this green screen!
@heiseirider1051 20 сағат бұрын
Deadpool is a character who is in pain, and he fights through it.😢
@heiseirider1051 20 сағат бұрын
Deadpool adalah karakter yang kesakitan, dan dia berjuang mengatasinya. 😢
@fallon051799 21 сағат бұрын
What the f### Ryan renolds 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Kali-u2h5p 22 сағат бұрын
Okay, here's my comment:This is how you make advertising an art form. I came for the meme potential and left actually considering Mint Mobile. Reynolds' self-awareness is a marketing superpower!
@kelleyrogers6013 Күн бұрын
She looks manly
@Robin-c2c4v Күн бұрын
My God of your voice Chad
@MariaAnderson-k7m Күн бұрын
Team Justin all the way to court
@mik20241 Күн бұрын
So disappointed in Ryan. He’s not the funny all American, but a power obsessed Hollyweird narcissist. Ugh! 😏 NOT a nice guy.
@donyoung5091 Күн бұрын
This is the first I’ve heard a Canadian accent from Nathan! How the heck?
@Macietherealest Күн бұрын
@roxangelic Күн бұрын
Hey I just saw a bts video of this “skit”. circulating online. Apparently Blake is the one directing it and she wore the exact same shirt as Brandon Sklenar 😮😮😮😮
@Asher-ash23 Күн бұрын
FELIX ❤❤❤❤
@FishStudiosRoblox Күн бұрын
Anyone in 2025...??
Disappointed in ryan reynolds for being as toxic as blake and using the deadpool 3 movie to smear an innocent mans life. #justice4Justin
@CMeElbowsUp Күн бұрын
@CMeElbowsUp Күн бұрын
😂😂😂 what a joke this company and Ryan are. Never ever will I support anything Ryan or Blake are involved in.🤢
@veronicajauregui1469 Күн бұрын
@TheWashout1776 Күн бұрын
Isnt she like a POS for filing fake charges of grape on her producer of a movie because he wouldnt change the movie to what she wanted
@BatmansGreatestFoeRealOfficial Күн бұрын
@antoniomuniz7652 Күн бұрын
So good, you'll wanna fire your grandma🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Rockgem12 Күн бұрын
Can someone animate Deadpool saying these lines
@bubalontv9482 Күн бұрын
It looks like Baldoni was set up some how by the industry
@bubalontv9482 Күн бұрын
That NYT article was a terrible mistake.
@joshuaweston6531 Күн бұрын
Lol! 😆
@Pacarwolverine Күн бұрын
@tloortagus2394 Күн бұрын
I love him even more now that I know whats behind the manbun Nicepool.....I need to go take a Baldoni!!!!!
@fox_5016 2 күн бұрын
Almost cried 😢
@Poolverine4life 2 күн бұрын
Sounds exactly like Ryan omg
@erinmorgan8189 2 күн бұрын
0:02 he is the dude who played umm Percy Jackson
@tingamer2508 2 күн бұрын
I thought she was like 50 until I looked it up
@BradTea 2 күн бұрын
Just when I thought Ryan is the most annoying person ever, in walked his mother.